
Upgrade VM Manager 2.1.5

Just before Xmas one of our VM Servers came to a rather unfortunate end and now needs to be rebuilt.   However, I couldn’t delete the server from VM Manager since the agent was down.   There may be a backend update you can perform but apparently you can force a delete in later versions of VM Manger.
At first I downloaded VM Manager 3 but found this in the documentation:

Oracle VM Release 3.0 is not backwardly compatible with previous Oracle VM releases. If you are using Oracle VM Release 2.x you cannot upgrade to Release 3.0.3. You must reinstall your Oracle VM Servers and Oracle VM Manager. You can, however, reuse your virtual machine templates from Oracle VM Release 2.x by importing them into Oracle VM 3.0.

Well, I didn’t really want to have to upgrade all the VM Servers at the same time.   However, version 2.2 is backwards compatible:

Oracle VM Manager is backwardly compatible with previous Oracle VM Server releases. To make sure you are not using a newer version of Oracle VM Server that cannot be managed Oracle VM Manager, you should upgrade Oracle VM Manager to Release 2.2 before you upgrade your Oracle VM Servers to Release 2.2.

I have never upgraded VM Manager before so I wasn’t sure what to expect.   The documentation said its easy and quick but deep inside a voice say saying, “Yeah Right!”
So, here are the steps I followed to upgrade VM Manager from version 2.1.5 to 2.2:
  1. Backup existing VM Manager
    - Full backup of /opt directories oc4j and ovs-manager
    - Execute /opt/ovs-manager-2.1/bin/
    - Took a manual export of OVS schema just to be safe.
  2. VM Manager needs to be running.
  3. Mount the VM Manager upgrade ISO on the server as root:
    [root@myserver patches]# mount -o loop,ro OracleVM-Manager-2.2.0.iso /mnt/OVM22
  4. Execute to upgrade VM Manager
[root@myserver OVM22]# pwd/mnt/OVM22[root@myserver OVM22]# sh
Welcome to Oracle VM Manager 2.2
Please enter the choice: [1|2|3]1. Install Oracle VM Manager2. Uninstall Oracle VM Manager3. Upgrade Oracle VM Manager
Starting Oracle VM Manager 2.2 upgrade ...
Backup the database before upgrade is highly recommended, to backup the database now, choose 'N' and run:
Are you sure you want to upgrade Oracle VM Manager from version 2.1.5 to 2.2 ? [y|N] y
Please enter the password for database account 'OVS':
Now upgrading OC4J ...
Please enter the password for account 'oc4jadmin':
Starting OC4J ... Done.
Now upgrading the database schema ... Done.
Now upgrading the Oracle VM Manager application ...
Please enter the keystore password for the Web Service:
Confirm the password:
Setting keystore password for Web Service ... Done
Do you want to use HTTPS access for Oracle VM Manager (Y|n)?Y
Configuring OC4J to use HTTPS ... Done
Stopping OC4J ... Done
Starting OC4J ... Done
Upgrade Oracle VM Manager successfully.
Please check the log /var/log/ovm-manager/upgrade_2.1.5_2.2.log for more information.
To access the Oracle VM Manager 2.2 home page go to:
To access the Oracle VM Manager web services WSDL page go to:
To access the Oracle VM Manager help page go to:
That’s it, its as simple as they said it would be.   They also make the same claim about upgrading the VM Servers themselves.   I plan on taking a look at that next week.

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